Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baila, baila Morena...

Okay let's talk about how I've been MIA for like, weeks. My bad. These last couple weeks have been mostly going to school and hanging around our favorite Barcelona haunts (H&M--as Alana says, "At least 4 times a week!", and our favorite cafe, Caracas--with my favorite barista Jaime).

A couple weeks ago, Macie and Amanda went to Ireland for the weekend, leaving Alana and I to "be BRAVE" for the weekend. We started by going to Parque de la Ciudadela with Kristina and Sonia. What a FUN afternoon!

Alana and I in front of the fountain.
So that was a Thursday. On that Friday, we went out for a yummy Chinese dinner. I MISS ASIAN FOOD SO MUCH. The creepy randos on the Rambla that yell at me in Hindi are not sufficing to fill my weekly Asia quota. So Alana, Sonia and I went out for a lovely dinner.

Saturday Alana and I navigated our way to and climbed/funicular-ed our way up Tibidabo. I've been looking up at it from all parts of the city, but we finally got to go to the top! And guess what--there really is an amusement park up there!

So this is the church that is up there...

...and this is me, with the city and the amusement park in the background. Yes, I am a little chilly, thanks for asking.
Saturday night was the epic showdown between Pria and Alana...and Barcelona night life. We ended up going to a little bar right by both our pisos..."Infussion". Now it wasn't that simple. First we had to figure out where we were going (shout out, Mom, thanks for the Barcelona on a Budget Student Guidebook). Then we had to figure out how to get there. Then we had to figure out what to wear. (Alana, as I'm writing this, I'm realizing how overly dramatic we are). Then, after all this absurd behavior...we walk up to the place, and Miss Alana Vega INSISTS that we walk past it, and take a little meander around the block in order to muster up the courage it was going to take us to open the door and find a seat. We finally made it in, you'll be glad to know. And a margarita (rocks with salt, thanks dad) and an espresso later, we were feelin' pretty proud of ourselves. :]

Okay, so the BIG event happened this weekend. Last night/this morning to be exact. It's CARNAVAL! So the girls and I caught the train to Sitges. Sitges is a small town on the coast about 30 minutes south of Barcelona. So Carnaval is all about dressing crazy and wearing masks and having fun! So after figuring out (FINALLY) what we were all going to wear, we made plans to head to Sitges Saturday night. So after listening to Roberto laugh at me for half an hour while I attempted to put on a pair of over exaggerated false lashes, I was ready to go!

note the lashes on us both, and the feather boa. what's up, carnaval.
Okay, picture the French Quarter in New Orleans at Mardi Gras...mixed with Halloween at DePauw. Now for those of you reading that don't go to DePauw and that have not experienced the sheer debauchery (or DePauchery) of the holiday, let me fill you in. It is a MESS of crazy costumes and copious amounts of public intoxication.
The girls and I had such a fun night dancing and enjoying the nuts-o atmosphere and late-night fries at the BK Lounge (is that Amurr-can or what?).
Turns out though, I'm an old woman, because I was tired at 11:30PM. Pretty lame, now I can see why my host mom makes fun of me for getting home from a bar in Barcelona at an early 12:15AM. Last night, though, I broke all kinds of personal records and got back to my piso at 4:50AM. Win.

thanks for the good time, sitges. see you next week.
Tomorrow the girls and I are going to enjoy a day off school :]
Getting excited to see some of my favorite people! <3

Macie added some pictures to her Facebook tonight that I thought might supplement the blog, too...


Rock your's CARNAVAL!

We learned that if you go to the Boquería later in the get really great deals on juice. 3 for 2Euro!
Annnnnnd just incase anyone had any doubt about how much fun I'm having in Spain...


1 comment:

  1. Cool mask Macie! Where's yours Pri? Cant wait to see you!
