Thursday, January 20, 2011

Amor y Barcelona

Today was a relatively quiet day here in Barcelona...
Got up, and left for school. We had early class today at the historic filólogia building at the downtown University of Barcelona campus. This building is one of the most beautiful that I've seen I continue to go for classes, I'll make sure to take some pictures. We walked in the building through these huge wooden doors and through this perfect little courtyard with trees filled with oranges, and a little goldfish pond in the center. The architecture of the buildings here is outstanding, and everywhere you look, there's another gorgeous building to look at. After a meeting following class, we came back to the hotel, and I've been here since, trying to recover from the hectic week and all the walking that I do now.
One exciting piece of news is that I found out where I will be living (starting tomorrow) until the end of the semester! I'll post more details after I meet la señora that I will be living with...I can't wait to get to know her!

Estoy rambleando por la calle durante una día perfecta en España.

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