Monday, January 24, 2011

Cambiar en Espanya

Back to school again. EARLY. Muy muy temprano.
This week's schedule is really out of control. We have early class, and then a four hour lunch break, followed by meetings, and then another class. Essentially go go go from 7:30AM to 7:30PM. Needless to say, I'm exhausted.
However, by far, my favorite part of the day is lunchtime, when we all break out our homemade lunches consisting of a bocadillo (sandwich), manzana (apple), and galletas (cookies). YUM. Today, my bocadillo was on a baguette (like 9 inches...) with olive oil, tomato, lettuce, and big thick slicles of delicious machego cheese. I love Spain.
Started our new class today--an art history class taught by a man who may or may not be related to Fidel Castro. Seriously, twins. 
Catalan word of the universitat..."the university". (also the metro stop where our school is)

1 comment:

  1. Love reading about your day! Great blog Miss Pria! Your sandwich sounds AMAZING! I think I will head to whole foods and buy some manchego cheese :)
